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Dr. Padmanabhan T V
Ph.D in Yoga,  M.A. Yoga Psychology,  M.S  in Mental Health, Director of Yoga Enlightens, Yoga Consultant  and Psychologist .

Yoga Enlightens

The aims and objectives of Yoga Enlightens is to share the wisdom and benefits of Yoga with people worldwide by educating about the philosophical, psychological, and practical aspects of yoga, to help the people cultivate physical, mental, and spiritual well-being, to integrate Indian Psychology with modern Psychology including integrated Yogic Counseling to create a holistic and comprehensive approach in understanding human behavior, promoting physical, mental, and spiritual well-being. Indian psychology, deeply rooted in ancient texts like the Upanisad, Bhagavadgītā, Darśana and Yogasūtra, offers unique insights into the human Psyche. Modern psychology, with its scientific approach, provides a wealth of knowledge on human behavior, cognition, and emotions.

Yoga Enlightens is devoted to upholding the sanctity of classical and traditional texts such as the Yoga Upaniads, Hahayogapradīpik, Gheraṇḍasahitā, Śivasahitā, Tirumūlar’s Tirumantiram, Haharatnavali etc, and to create a nurturing environment where  the Yoga aspirants can explore these timeless texts, embrace the depth of yogic philosophy, psychology and principles and methods of Yoga practices and integrate these teachings into their daily lives for holistic well-being

तमसो मा ज्योतिर्गमय

“Tamaso mā jyotirgamaya”

“Lead me from darkness to light. Ignorance is Darkness and Knowledge is light”

ॐ लोका: समस्ता: सुखिनो भवन्तु

Om Lokā: samastā: sukhino bhavantu 

(May all beings everywhere in the Universe be happy)


Conduct Yoga seminars, Workshops Yoga retreats and special classes for different age groups, differentially abled individuals. Conduct Psychological counseling to the needy.

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